Does the Agency take part of my pay?

Never! We as an Agency would never even think about taking a portion of your pay! You work hard for your hourly rate and you deserve every cent!

Does the Agency employ me?

We do not. Per the IRS, a Nanny is a Household Employee and therefore must be employed and paid by the family themselves.

Why should I go through a Nanny Agency when I can sometimes find the same families on Facebook or other sites?

Going through an Agency will only help protect you. We can not speak for all Nanny Agencies, but for us, we are here to help! We strive to be a leader in advocacy for the industry. So while yes, you may find a Family on Facebook or other job sites that we have also signed, if you go through us it does nothing but benefit you.

We do not take any of your pay, we advocate for market Nanny rates, we require Families to pay on the books, we require Families to offer industry standard benefits, we require Families to have a background check run on all members of the household over the age of 18, we also get to know our Families to help place based on personality to have a longer lasting relationship between Nanny and Family. We are here to help negotiate your contract and get you the best contract possible (we also wrote one that is FREE! Go check it out!).

As an Agency we are here to help you in any way we can!

What requirements do you have?

Please see the Applications Tab for a full list of our requirements.

I found a position on my own but I need help. Will you help me?

OF COURSE!! Reach out to us at 404.274.7731 via text and we can help you as much as we can! We want to make sure every Nanny has what they need even if they did not find a Family through us. We will give you as many resources as you need to help you with your current position. If we do not have a resource you need, we will find someone who has it and point you in that direction!